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[colorforth] Success...my first boot screen

Mark Slicker wrote:

> There exists a flat 32-bit real mode, I just found out about this. See:
> http://www.nondot.org/sabre/os/files/ProtectedMode/FLAT.txt
> With this you can make bios calls, and run 32-bit code.
> I might try to make a colorForth version in flat real mode with bios calls
> for floppy and video. There should be no difference in functionality,
> except hopefully this will work on many more machines.

This looks promising. It's too bad that not even the Intel documentation
fully advertises all the tricks you can do with 386+ processors,
although it does hint at such things.

Hopefully the BIOS will not mess up the situation somehow. It would be a
fantastic breakthrough to achieve hardware independence for ColorForth.

I suspect that things are not quite so simple and that unattractive
compromises will be necessary, but it seems worth experimenting along
these lines.

Myron Plichota------------------------

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