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[colorforth] Success...my first boot screen

For a working example of a 32-bit implementation of flat real mode see my 4word
color forth
with a slightly stronger version of round-robin multi-tasking, BIOS character
I/O and DOS file interface. No networking, but it runs on all X86 cpus from the
386 to PII, on DOS, Win 9x and NT DOS boxes.

Terry Loveall

----- Original Message -----
From: "Myron Plichota" <myron.plichota@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "colorforth List Member" <colorforth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 6:35 AM
Subject: [colorforth] Success...my first boot screen

> Mark Slicker wrote:
> >
> > There exists a flat 32-bit real mode, I just found out about this. See:
> >
> > http://www.nondot.org/sabre/os/files/ProtectedMode/FLAT.txt
> >
> > With this you can make bios calls, and run 32-bit code.
> >
> > I might try to make a colorForth version in flat real mode with bios calls
> > for floppy and video. There should be no difference in functionality,
> > except hopefully this will work on many more machines.
> >
> This looks promising. It's too bad that not even the Intel documentation
> fully advertises all the tricks you can do with 386+ processors,
> although it does hint at such things.
> Hopefully the BIOS will not mess up the situation somehow. It would be a
> fantastic breakthrough to achieve hardware independence for ColorForth.
> I suspect that things are not quite so simple and that unattractive
> compromises will be necessary, but it seems worth experimenting along
> these lines.
> Myron Plichota

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