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Re: [colorforth] Strange behaviour.

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Peter Appelman wrote:
> If it behaves as it does on my system. The floppy is toast.
> (If this is a known problem, ignore this, and point me to the solution,
> please. And if I'm violating some CF rule I didn't know, .. ;)

I seem to get the expected result. The screen is the typical logo, covered
in yellow characters, not refreshed. Entering the editor sets the editor
display task, and refreshes the screen. If I had to guess the behaviour
you are seeing, I would guess the display task is not initialized, and
points to some bad code. However, I know from looking at the kernel a null
task (show0) is set initially on boot. So this behaviour seems abnormal.
For reference I'm using the vesa-chuck image on my site.


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