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RE: Re(3): [colorforth] abort

> For instance, you may want to communicate with other computers thru an
> Ethernet-based LAN. In this case you can do your drivers and your own
> communication protocol and it is a matter of maybe 1KB. If you have to go
> thru a WAN then you need a TCP/IP stack because and it becomes 10KB.

The smallest, fully functional TCP/IP stack I've seen was uIP, which weighed in
at less than 4K if I recall correctly.  uIP is, in fact, used on a
network-aware operating system for the Commodore 64, perhaps one of the most
resource constrained environments to put networking on (especially considering
it's also multitasking!).

However, in either case, your response does not change anything about what I
said.  I stand by my original statement.

Samuel A. Falvo II

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