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Re: [colorforth] Unused character encodings available in Colorforth

On Sunday 22 February 2004 10:32 am, you wrote:
> Esta cuenta de correo está en desuso, por favor utilice el mismo
> usuario con la dirección @es.ibm.com.
> Gracias.
> In response to:

Sorry, I do not speak/read/write in Spanish.  Nor do I read/speak/write 
in Italian, a close cousin (despite my last name, and my Italian 
heritage, I can't speak a word of it except for Ciao!).  Can someone 
please translate this to English?  Thanks.

Also, I tried to reply to this personally, as it had come to me 
personally.  However, the mail server I use won't even send it.  It has 
the following e-mail address: AVINOC02/SRV/RETEVISION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -- 
the slashes are illegal characters.  Can you use a more Internet 
friendly mailing address?


Samuel A. Falvo II

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