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Re: [colorforth] network stack

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Roman Pavlyuk (personal) wrote:

> Thank you, I'll look through it.
> I've converted blocks to HTML with hyperlinks, it's easier to explore source
> when you can jump to definition (at least for me :) --
> http://www.geocities.com/eleks_76/net.html
> Some things are questionable, specially the wait delays and wait cycles are
> organized. What if we'll need an application that asynchronously
> communicated via network and does some calculations in between? We might
> slip into issues like multitasking and OS, but it's really a qwuestion --
> how to write distributed network applications in CF.

You're right, the recieve end is questionable. It is interrupt based, so
techinically I shouldn't need the wait cycle, there should be packet

There are two recieve buffers, perhaps both have a packet. Right now I
cycle between packets on the interrupt, this is probably not correct. I
haven't thought of good fix, perhaps the network stack needs to modified
to accept more than one packet. I wanted to keep compatabilty with the
Realtek driver so you swap one driver for another.


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