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Re: [colorforth] Test message

On Wed, 2004-10-13 at 21:11, Jeff Fox wrote:
> As I recall the server does not always send out
> messages but rather buffers them and collects a
> group if possible.  If none others have come in
> for a while there may be a delay between when a
> message is sent to the server and when it goes out.
> The list was quite for a while, it might have
> waited a day or two before sending out a lone
> message.  Now that there are a bunch of messages
> being sent, they go out right away.  We did have
> a discussion about this a long time ago.  I don't
> recall being told that this was changing so it
> should not be a suprise to participants.
> Best Wishes

It tries to send them immediately.  If it can't deliver them (could be
One of many issues) it defers them and tries again later.


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