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[colorforth] How to recreate the 31 July color.com


I should be most grateful if anyone could show me my error. I am trying to recreate color.com using boot.asm, color.asm and gen.asm from http://colorforth.cvs.sourceforge.net/colorforth/colorforth/masm/ and color.com from http://colorforth.cvs.sourceforge.net/colorforth/colorforth/ and I have not made any changes to the files.

I am following these steps:
Assemble and link the source code using MASM with the command line "ml /AT /Fl /Sg color.asm". This produces a 18,432 byte file. I then open the original color.com file (64,512 bytes) and overwrite the first 18,432 bytes with those that I have just assembled.

This new color.com does not work--it displays the coloured squares of the logo but nothing else and the computer becomes unresponsive.

My understanding was that everything after the first 18 blocks (first 18,432 bytes) is written in colorForth, and everything before comes from the assembly code. There do seem to be some small differences in the files up to byte 12,347, but after this point the original file is mostly non-zero values whereas the assembled one is just padded with zeros, so I think I am overlooking something fundamental.


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