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Re: [colorforth] if then else - but why is there no ?else? in colorForth?

Quoting Albert van der Horst

>... " 
>... " Okay so CF2a is the most recent. I couldn't care
>... " less there
>... " is no source. Where can I get it?
>... " 
>... " Groetjes Albert
>... " 
>... " --

Nick here:  I got it from this colorforth list of 2 May
2008 by Jeff Fox, which reads 

colorforth list readers:

the long awaited colorforth 2 has been released


It defaults to qwerty mode on boot although changing
the word qwerty from yellow color to white color on
block 18 and doing a save and warm or restarting
will return to the familiar quasi-Dvorak keyboard.
The editor still uses the old command key layout
although new command keys have been added.

This is the version that Doug has talked about SVFIG.
It comes with documentation and a Windows wrapper.

Nick here again:  The unzipped folder contains a
bootloader called CF2.exe and a native CF2a file (in 
the usual CF format of 18k machine code followed by 90
blocks of CF code - then follows a whole lot of empty
blocks up to 1.4k, which makes loading by floppy very
tedious so I cut them out).  I found that the 'Windows
wrapper' CF2.exe can run not only CF2a but also other
native CF files (such as CF01 and CF05) as long as I
call them 'Okadwork.cf'.  This MIGHT make an easy test
of your own finally reconstituted CF01 program. 
Unfortunately, CF2.exe does not boot .com files (for
instance, it did not boot Howerd Oakford's CF4DOS.com);
so if you wanted to try this new bootloader, you would
have to reconstitute in native CF format.  In my 
experience, problems with booting native ant version of
CF were due either to my unreliable floppy hardware or
to my failure to poke in the correct VESA codes for the
VDU card.

Alles van die beste,


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