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Mind.forth Challenge to IBM & MISC

Date: Thu Nov  9 01:26:30 1995
From: mentifex@SCN.ORG (SCN User)
Subject:      Re: REXX books...
To: (the sensitive nerve-ends of IBM's internal communications)
Reply-To: mentifex@SCN.ORG

   "The REXX Cookbook" for OS/2 by Merrill Callaway is probably
at least as good as his excellent "ARexx Cookbook" for the Amiga
version of REXX.  I used his "ARexx Cookbook" to help me write
Mind.rexx on the Amiga - which brings me to another point.

   Are you listening, IBM?  Here in Seattle, those high-school
kids from The Lakeside School school aced you out, trumped you,
out-competed you, by holding on to their operating system that
they bought for fifty thousand dollars from Seattle Computer
Products.  Don't let it happen again.

   When I was creating the intricate, sophisticated, wheels-within-
wheels AI theory behind Mind.rexx in the nineteen seventies,
Micro-Soft (sic) was still a tiny operation in Albuquerque,
and I began attending monthly meetings of the Northwest Computer
Society near downtown Seattle.  They put out a call for someone
to work on the newsletter, and I held back so as to concentrate
on my AI project.  But a genial fellow named Tim Patterson
relieved everyone else's anxiety by volunteering to work on
the newsletter, and Tim Patterson went on to write Q-DOS that
became MS-DOS that became eight billion dollars for Bill Gates.

   IBM!  Your own British genius wrote REXX, and now you have
here in this post evidence that - oh how laughable! - someone
is trying to do AI in REXX.  Do you want the score to be
Seattle 2, Armonk 0?  Oh, what's the use, when people can go
from making cancer sticks to running IBM?

   Here's a more venal consideration:  patents.  The Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) that you will see in the graphic below
this message, locates for you the distilled effort of fourteen
years spent by a  - oh how laughable - Latin and Greek graduate
working on AI.  None of the material at "http://newciv.org/Mentifex/";
is patented or even copyrighted.  But Unisys has access to it,
and the Japanese have access to it, any anyone can use it to
lock up all the - what do you call them? - adjacent patents?
follow-up patents?  You grok, IBM:  REXX is your baby, and
Microsoft (sic) twenty miles from here may have bought the
Betmann Archive, the Codex Hammer, and the Great Wall of China,
but those Lakeside kids can't buy the Mind.rexx mind-model
because it's not for sale - it's for free.  And here it is:

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ http://www.newciv.org/Mentifex/  /^^^^^^^^^^^^^\
 /visual memory\ brain-mind________  abstract   | auditory      |
|      /--------|-------\ / syntax \ memory     | memory        |
|      |  recog-|nition | \________/<-----------|------------\  |
|   ___|___     |       |    |flush-vector      |    ______  |  |
|  /image  \    |    ___V____V__  word-fetch    |   /      \ |  |
| / percept \<--|-->/ array of  \---------------|->/ stored \|  |
| \ engrams /   |   \ concepts  / for thinking  |  \ words  /   |
|  \_______/    |    \_________/  in language   |   \______/    |
This diagram for artificial intelligence is in the public domain.
Project Mentifex makes Mind.rexx and Mind.forth artificial minds.
Mind.anim and theory of Mind.rexx are on Amiga Library Disk #411.
Theory is on the AI CD-ROM, Revision 3, Network Cybernetics Corp.