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Re: Funding & Grateful Dead Marketing

At 12:56 PM 3/18/99 -0500, Lloyd R. Prentice wrote:
> Long ago I argued with Chuck that he was cutting the video
>specs for his processors too fine. I thought then and still do that
>interfacing with a television set rather than monitor is a bad idea.

Well, it depends on the end application. If you are primarily a computer
user, then it IS a bad idea to use the TV instead of a VGA (or similar)
display as the monitor.

BUT, if on the other hand, like me, if you are trying to create an
pllication of bringing "interactive TV" applications to homes over the
cable-TV network, it IS a GREAT idea. Right now I am spending most my
energies to identifying (and getting samples!) of a chip which has a built
in TV out, so that I can built a settop box for Interactive TV at the least
possible cost.

So far I have found only two sources: iTV corporations i21 and Jeff's F21.
Hopefully I can get a sample of one or the other soon enough so that a
prototype can be built and tested etc.

>2) Re: Humboldt bank...
>I contributed to Jeff's vacation fund through his website. If the money
>went to the bank rather than Jeff, I'm going to be very upset. 

Well I also sent money, but for a a different reason and purpose. BUT I
sent the money direct to Jeff (via Western Union, even though it cost me
more to do so). So the meoney I sent was received by Jeff, and no bank kept
