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Re: 3D world+New Colour VGA display

Hello Wayne,

среда, 19 мая 1999 г., you wrote:

WM> From: "vic plichota" <atsvap@cgo.wave.ca>:
>>Floating-point is a practical neccessity for any but the most limited
>>3-D graphics.  There is an awful lot of trig calcs req'd, and
>>scaled-integer math has no practical way to represent infinity or

WM> OK But what do techniques like 3D bitmaps and the new Voxels architechures
WM> take?
Ok. It takes not so much from CPU mights.
Octree-based approach needs division by two when descending tree,
multiplication to determine fitting into level-of-detail, scalar product to
get voxel's visual information and one division for projection.
Division could be non-floating point.

Moreover, at some level of detail you may switch into polynomial
interpolation for screen coordinates, like technique used in most software
texture mapping renderers at the present time. Then you remain only
with additition and compare, no muls or divs at all.

And finally you get (part of) world described by octree with nice
level-of-detail feature.

But it requires A LOT of memory for a whole world.

Notwithstanding, this technique could be used for space simulators
like Wing Commander, when you need LOD, but most of objects are
relatively small.
You make an octree for every object, saving memory while still have
most nice features. Also you may insert such LOD trees into usual
Comanche-like voxel renderer. Or even in Quake or Doom. (Doom is in
sources so it is a neat idea, though;)

I could explain it in not more than three pages, if you interested.

WM> World's smallest, lowest power color VGA screen debuts
WM> Kopin Corp. has introduced the world's smallest high performance, high
WM> resolution, full-color VGA display.
Also, I think I should point you into Twiddler:
Beside marketstuff, it has interesting links in Wearables.
And any small LCD display associate my minds with them.

 sz                            mailto:sz@uc.ru