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Re: future computers (sorta OT)

>Anybody here a fan of Star Trek?
>I know this question sounds silly, if not juvenile.  How do you think the Ente
>rprises (or Voyagers) computer system processes?  Is it trillions of MISC type
> optical processors, or it is one giant Pentium XVII?  Has there ever been an 
>episode where the captain says "hail them", and at a push of the console the v
>iew screen gets a fatal protection fault and the whole ship self destructs?
>I think that is a legitimate, however comical question.  The ship's computer c
>ore is no larger than some of the super computers we have today, everything el
>se is just terminals, subsystems, and storage.  Maybe in a few decades Forth w
>ill not reign supreme, maybe another language that is even faster and smaller.
>.. but the minimal approach is not a limitation - it's powerful.

Star Trek presents an interesting side of computing.  Some things about
the basic setup: there is a central computer, it is very large; localized
systems are governed by (iirc) "opto-linear" circuits which look like
skinny domino game pieces with different patterns on them [orange plastic]
that can be slid into slots; the android does not interface naturally [i.e.,
he interacts in the way that humans do] with a computer, though he uses
the computer with extreme speed; once infected with a virus, manually
shutting down the computer then manually bringing it back up with new
virus-free software would take weeks or so; the computer never crashes,
but is prone to more user-level user error [i.e., the OS never GPFs but if
it was programmed to let star fleet remote control it then, by golly, star
fleet can remote control it even if Kahn thinks he is in command].
	That's all pretty boring so far as I'm concerned.  There is only
one important and relevant computing issue going on in Star Trek, I think.
That is, allowing the experts to be mostly ignorant.  It's assumed that
everything done by those who really built the system works perfectly so
there's no good reason to look under that level of the hood.  When Geordi
needs more power, he reroutes stuff in a graphical "connect the dots"
interface.  When Geordi needs to circumvent some negative act of the
computer [foreign control, for example], he either shuffles opto-linear
chips or he uses a special probe tool thing that seems a lot more
automatic and high-level than something like what we would call a portable
reprogrammer.  The entire "atom" of computing is moved up a huge level.
Right now some people's computing atoms are transistors, some people only
see gates, some people only see microprocessors, some people only see
systems, other people only see program code.  On Star Trek the atom of
computing is only something you can hold in your hands: it is the
opto-linear chip or the <insert techno babble here> tool or the high-level
software.  Even the experts only think of system-level components, they
don't worry about program code or even act as if they are aware of it --
they certainly know nothing of gates or transistors.
	One may assume that there's a huge pile of engineers in the
background who built this huge complex system that has a perfect level of
abstraction (perfect in that there's never any good use to violate it, for
example, to work around a bug or do something unexpected).
	I vaguely suspect something like this is happening in aviation --
at any rate aviation would be a great place to look for where computing
needs to be used in a similar environment to star trek [though it's often
not very futuristic].  The airplane doesn't have a processor and memory
and i/o circuits, it, it has a little black box with a few clearly-
labelled connectors.  These black boxes are not interchangable between
airplanes, I'm sure, but it doesn't really matter -- it's not abstraction
for reuse, it's abstraction for "don't fuck with this unless you really
know what you're doing."  The guy at the airforce base hangar who is a
brilliant wiz and can fix all sorts of problems -- he doesn't know jack
about computers...he only knows [and only needs to know] about this box.
He never opens the box...if the computer behaves erratically, he just
tosses [or perhaps gives to some removed review/repair group -- either
way, it's out of his hair] the old one (I'm sure military computers
are expensive, but they're practically free compared to military
	You'll note that the airforce is almost definitely not using
cutting-edge processors.  I hope, at least, that they're using early-90s
(or before) processors that have been thoroughly tested and with software
designed specifically for the new processors.  It's probably a lot cheaper
to design the software to be simple and low-overhead to run on old
hardware than it is to get the new software reverified for every new chip
[and probably fancy connected architecture] that comes out (Forth has
apparently excelled in these roles even though we mostly love it because
it's easier for us to work with).  In situations like these performance
isn't the problem, reliability is...I would think that in star fleet they
would gladly use 10 year old [tried and true] chips (which, at the
current rate, would be quite astronomically awesome).
	So what can we really learn from this?  Well, I think one thing is
to change from trying to surf the new wave to, rather, trying to stick
with the old one until it's spent...can you imagine a surfer who caught a
wave, then lost in immediately afterwards?  He'd never really learn how to
ride a wave right if he never held it for more than a few seconds...you
have to ride it to the end, I'm sure.  We certainly aren't ready to be
using the new Pentium blah blah chips since we've barely tapped the
potential of old chips (or new chips made with old processes, such as
P21).  I think this should remind us that computing is in its infancy --
right now there are things that people are just now realizing computers
can do and they actually honest-to-god require high clockrates or FPU
support to reasonably implement (i.e., some multimedia/interactive crap),
so people are constantly jumping ahead to the newest hardware for good
reasons (a game like Quake simply could not run on a slow processor)...but
then once they have this fast hardware programs that don't need it use it
anyways.  In a dozen years or so there probably [hopefully] won't be any
more new things that everybody wants (such as video games) that can't be
run except on top of the line hardware.  At that point people can slow
down and make their choices based not on which brand new processor happens
to have enough power for their program to run at all, but which one seems
more sound or has the best reliability or lowest current draw.  I'm using
the word "processor" but I'm really talking about the whole system --
right now people chose C because optimizing compilers for it are so
popular.  In a few years languages will be reasonably chosen not on how
well they generate machine code but on how well the human interface is.
	In some ways this does not look good for FORTH.  If the C++ fan's
most favorite statement "It doesn't matter if it runs 10x slower,
processors are so fast nowadays that ..." becomes true then it looks like
C++ will be the future.  But that's not true either because it already
usually doesn't matter right now if software runs 10x slower -- the
problem is that C++ers think 10x but what really happens is 100x or
1000x (because they build a 10x solution on top of a 10x solution,
yielding 100x not 20x).  The type of idiocy that C++ers involve
themselves in isn't likely to ever go anywhere.  However, there are
high-levelish languages right now that I suspect could become popular
if reasonable performance concerns went away (i.e., languase that tend
to encourage code production that is a constant factor slower, rather
than exponentially slower).  I wouldn't guess what would come out on
top -- I would guess it won't be FORTH.
	I think this shows strengths in MISC, though.  The strength of
MISC chips is that they can be really great, even by today's standards,
using yesterday's fab technology.  This means we're getting at new
ideas, not just new hacks.  RISC got at new ideas -- it gave
performance improvements on similar processes.  The Pentium didn't
though....it borrowed a lot of ideas, for sure, but the only great
new thing about the Pentium is the huge engineering task involved in
hacking these millions of features into the same chip -- something
that wouldn't've been possible until a process small enough was
refined.  The MercEd definitely doesn't get at new ideas -- the only
reason it didn't exist 10 years ago is because nobody had a 30+
million transistor fab that could mass-produce cheap chips.  If other
chip development companies had the same level of preproduction budget
that Intel does, they would definitely be making better products.  MISC
qualifies as trying to understand where we're at before blindly jumping
into the future.  Intel is making bigger and fatter MercEd before they
stop to think and look back at the Pentium.
I can't believe that they don't realize that
instead of investing billions into their new fab processes that they could
simply investigate more thoroughly what can be done with their old ones.