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Bootloader for 32-bit x86 programs

The attached NASM source file will be of interest to those of you who want
to ditch your OS completely and take direct control of your PC-AT
(in)compatible without BIOS, DPMI, Windoze API or whatever. As a .COM
program, it has been seen to either a) work as expected or b) cause a
system reset under test on various 386+ systems. I wanted to put it on the
boot sector of a floppy disk, but that always causes a system reset. I
don't know why it doesn't work on some systems as a .COM program or why it
never works from the boot sector, but what else is new when it comes to
filthy secrets in PC-AT hardware and software.

Now I can get on with a minimalist 32-bit x86 Forth in NASM.

Myron Plichota

Pmbl.asm (ASM File)