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Re: [colorforth] Yes, but does it do Windows?

On Wed, 5 May 2004, Daniel Roe wrote:

> Group,
> Please forgive what must seem like a question from a total beginner. 20
> years ago or so I was big on Forth of the FIG variety. I had a lot of fun
> with it, even did some of my college assignments in it as well as FPC. Well,
> time moves on. I would like to pick up my love of Forth but frankly all the
> Forths I see are very complicated and BIG. Did I say BIG? From what I've
> gathered Color Forth is small and relatively simple. I do however want to
> create some stand alone applications for Windows (32 bit). Is this easily
> possible with Color Forth or would I be better served looking elsewhere?
> Thanks for your time.

The real colorforth doesn't run under an OS,
except in X-windows as and educational version.

The Forth I am currently using to write the disassembler fits your
bill. It has somewhat more words than figForth, but still fits in
30k (Dictionary available 4 or 16 megabytes). It is larger because
it is 32 bits, has string handling (that is actually used in the Forth
itself), exception handling, regular and easy to use headers, file
handling and an interface to the operating system. The library has
such things as QSORT BIN-SEARCH ASSEMBLER EDITOR DUMP but not in the

You create a stand alone application by
   wina -c hello.frt
And this facility is second to none.
wina is available from Simtel, or my site below. For Linux there is

Groetjes Albert

Albert van der Horst,Oranjestr 8,3511 RA UTRECHT,THE NETHERLANDS
        One man-hour to invent,
                One man-week to implement,
                        One lawyer-year to patent.
albert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst

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