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Re: [colorforth] bug in bit32?

> I verified the display of `g' in emit and two emit, using
> PeterAppelmans SmallFonts version, a nearly exact NASM of ChipChucks
> Indeed, all the letters that would normally use the bottom row in
> icons to render the font, when displayed with 2emit, this last line is
> not rendered to the display.
> I know I'm supposed to post the fix. Sorry. Currently writing a paper
> on Tim's multi-tasker, and I've nearly finished the introduction, sent
> it to Chris for Chris-tique, and will begin on the meat and potatoes
> portion this evening provided I finish the intro (which amounts to a
> boot and edit tutorial with full grand tour of the keyboards and
> display.)

"Chris-tique" haha. Sorry, I won't get around to it until maybe
tomorrow to delve into it (I need some time to do so). I did look over
it though, looks like it'll be nice (and quite large, if thats only
the intro!)

Chris Walton
arke on irc.freenode.net

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