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Re: [colorforth] Hello - and where to begin?

On Jan 18, 2008 12:51 PM, Albert van der Horst
<albert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have truely completed the reverse engineering of the original
> colorforth, including screens and bitmaps for the characters.
> It also replaces hex code in the screens by (my) Pentium mnemonics
> assembler.
> This means that I can assemble the original binary.
> This tool is (of course) written in Forth.
> Go to my site (URL below) and click FTP.
> I guess that using that tool, and the scripts I added,
> your efforts could be substantial less.

Hey Albert, I found your reverse-engineered sources and scripts at one
point, after I'd already figured out how to reconcile the 2001 sources
with color.com. You did an awesome job! If and when I decide to
restart my colorForth projects I want to take a closer look at your
work again.

I can't remember though; did you realize there were (are) a few 32x32
font characters at the end of the 2001 color.com 16x24 fontmap?
"K,Z/;:!+@*," and finally, something that looks something like an
approaching subway or tram... I discovered it while trying to make
sense of the "garbage" that showed up using my own cfdump.py tool,
then modified the tool to render them...

This is the one I could never quite figure out what it is... any
ideas? (view with a fixed-size font for an accuate picture)...

CHR32X32 "......####################......"
CHR32X32 "...##########################..."
CHR32X32 "..####....................####.."
CHR32X32 ".###........................###."
CHR32X32 "################################"
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CHR32X32 "################################"
CHR32X32 "################################"
CHR32X32 "################################"
CHR32X32 ".###........................###."
CHR32X32 "..####......................#..."
CHR32X32 "....#.......#.......#.......#..."
CHR32X32 "....#.......#.......#.......#..."

John Comeau <jc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> http://jc.unternet.net/
"A place for everything, and everything
all over the place"

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