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Re: shitty programming [WAS: Chucks address]

Jaap van Ganswijk wrote:
> [...]
> Forth is not the world's programming language, but C and it's
> derivatives are.

Billion of flies could not make a mistake, eat shit! :-)

I'm a relatively newcomer to Forth and MISC chips but I understand
they enough to say that *your* criticism are unfounded (not that
they are perfect).

> C is a language that's much more adapted to humans than to the
> underlying hardware and is therefore much more writable and
> readable and rereadable and checkable than a reversed polish
> notation one-type-only based language.
> But even if you should be one the sekte that disagrees, any
> generally employable processor should be able to handle
> compiled C programs quite well also.
> > Preferably running on a MISC chip. But the MISC chip
> > is not an absolute requirement.
> Yes, Chuck is God, Jess is Jezus and Dr. Ting is the holy
> spirit!
> [...]

In any case I have great difficulties to take you seriously, with
these religious arguments and the proposal to close this list and
to open another with a different topic. In my opinion (not so
humble) you are simply a troll.

Ok people, stop wasting time with this joker and ... sometimes
exercise yours sense of humor! ;-)

Massimo Dentico