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Re: [colorforth] Booting from HDD

Quoting Jason Kemp <jason.kemp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

>... " Good morning all,
>... please don't spend more time trying to work
>... " this one out for me--it 
>... " works with the USB floppy so I'm happy now!  

Nick here, 

My local PC shops no longer stock the USB drives ("Who
uses floppies these days?") so I'll have to import one,
but thanks for the tip. That's the route to happiness
this consumer grade programmer can appreciate.   

Dr Nicolas George Maroudas
Avigdor Meiri 9/1 
Sea View 
Haifa 3 55 00 
Tel +972 048 337 315 


How many ColorForthers does it take to screw out a light
bulb?  One AND the same one that put it in. 


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