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Re: [colorforth] colorforth 2.0a for stand-alone and Windows use

Earlier, ( day or two ago) I was talking about Roger Levy's Glypher
colorForth-like program. Something about it I wanted to share is that
it too uses a working file. In this case the working file is called

But here's what is worth knowing about Glypher in relation to the new

Glypher has a neat facility for automatically creating backup files.
What ever you put in it's first block first word will become the name
of an automatically created backup file. Of course, like cF2 it will
always start the file named template just as colorForth will always
open OkadWork.cf.

How I would proceed is I'd put a full Glypher implementation in it's
own "Project File Folder" ( say ChuckBot) and then I would make the
first word in the file a registration number based on YYMMDDHHMMSS and
leave this as the second word in the first block ( in this case
Glypher uses block 0 ). Any significant change and I would swap the
first two words in block 0 which would cause Glypher to autosave a
backup with the date and time ( which I'd change for only the most
significant changes)  as the name.

This, of course, is only a Windows convenience, and as such has no
need at all in the native version.

Is this worth exploring for cf2? Opinions?

Raymond St. Marie ii,

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