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F21 Microprocessor Preliminary Specifications - Chuck Moore - Jeff Fox 5/8/95
F21 contains five processors on a .8 micron custom VLSI CMOS chip.
F21 contains a CPU, a memory interface coprocessor, a video coprocessor,
    an analog coprocessor, and a serial/network coprocessor.

The memory interface processor provides memory access to all processors giving
lowest priority to the CPU.  The I/O coprocessors can be turned on or off by
the CPU, and can run continuously executing their own instructions, or can
interrupt the CPU to process their data buffers or instructions.



   This is a 21-bit Forth engine with 2 push-down stacks:
      data stack (S) - 18 deep
      return stack (R) - 17 deep.
It has a 20-bit memory bus, the 21st bit serving as address or carry.

A register (T) acts as the top of the data stack.  All data are placed
in T; its prior contents are pushed onto S.
The ALU acts upon T and S, leaves its result in T and pops S for
binary operations (+  -or  and).
A register (A) is used to address data.
A program counter (P) is used to address instructions.
The return stack stores subroutine return addresses (and occassional data).
A configuration register (C) specifies timing and addressing options.

F21 uses a physical bus that represents the number or address 00000 with
positive logic on even bits and negative logic on odd bits.  This means
that the package pins show AAAAA for the number or address 00000.
Alternate bits on the pins are complemented.  -or  a number with 0AAAAA to
determine its pattern.  Thus, the number 00100F has the pattern 0ABAA5
on the pins. The ALU acts upon numbers; addresses are numbers.  The
configuration register stores patterns; the package pins display patterns.


   The CPU powers-up at address 1AAAAA (pin pattern 100000, slow ROM).
Boot code must copy a program from 8-bit ROM to 20-bit RAM or DRAM.
5-bit instructions are packed 4 per 20-bit word.  Jump instructions
have a 10 or 15-bit address.  The 15-bit form jumps either within the
current 14-bit page, or to a home page in RAM or DRAM.

           bit 20 ...15 ...10  ....5 ....0
                  slot0 slot1  slot2 slot3

   10-bit jump    slot0  jump aa aaaa aaaa
       address  p pppp pppp ppaa aaaa aaaa   (p from P register)

   15-bit jump     jump 0aa aaaa aaaa aaaa
       address  p pppp ppaa aaaa aaaa aaaa

     home jump     jump 1aa aaaa aaaa aaaa
       address  c 0c00 00aa aaaa aaaa aaaa   (c is C17)

The contents of slots 1-3 must be complemented, whether instructions
or address.  The 3rd jump format facilitates jumping from DRAM into RAM.
A full 21-bit jump requires pushing the address into R and executing  ;

If the configuration register bit c17 is set then the home page address
becomes address 140000, which is high speed SRAM.  The 10-bit jumps are
faster than offpage jumps in dram and free the first instruction slot for
use by another opcode.  Single cell branch instructions can cover a range
of 16k words in DRAM and 8k words in SRAM, and subroutine returns move
freely between SRAM and DRAM since the return stack is 21 bits wide.

   The 27 instruction codes are:

   00 else   unconditional jump   08 @R+    fetch, address in R, increment R
   01 T=0    jump if T0-19 zero   09 @A+    fetch, address in A, increment A
   02 call   push P+1 to R, jump  0A #      fetch 20-bit in-line literal
   03 C=0    jump if T20 zero     0B @A     fetch, address in A
   04                             0C !R+    store, address in R, increment R
   05                             0D !A+    store, address in A, increment A
   06 ;      pop P from R         0E
   07                             0F !A     store, address in A

   10 com    complement T         18 pop    pop R, push into T
   11 2*     shift T, 0 to T0     19 A@     push A into T
   12 2/     shift T, T20 to T19  1A dup    push T into T
   13 +*     add S to T if T0 one 1B over   push S into T
   14 -or    exclusive-or S to T  1C push   pop T, push into R
   15 and    and S to T           1D A!     pop T into A
   16                             1E nop
   17 +      add S to T           1F drop   pop T

 Code Name   Description              Traditional Forth where A is a variable

   00 else   unconditional jump                        ELSE
   01 T=0    jump if T0-19 zero                        DUP IF
   02 call   push P+1 to R, jump                       :
   03 C=0    jump if T20 zero                          CARRY? IF
   06 ;      pop P from R                              ;
   08 @R+    fetch, address in R, increment R          R@ @ R> 1+ >R
   09 @A+    fetch, address in A, increment A          A @ @ 1 A +!
   0A #      fetch 20-bit in-line literal              LIT
   0B @A     fetch, address in A                       A @ @
   0C !R+    store, address in R, increment R          R@ ! R> 1+ >R
   0D !A+    store, address in A, increment A          A @ ! 1 A +!
   0F !A     store, address in A                       A @ !
   10 com    complement T                              -1 XOR
   11 2*     shift T, 0 to T0                          2*
   12 2/     shift T, T20 to T19                       2/
   13 +*     add S to T if T0 one                      DUP 1 AND IF OVER + THEN
   14 -or    exclusive-or S to T                       XOR
   15 and    and S to T                                AND
   17 +      add S to T                                +
   18 pop    pop R, push into T                        R>
   19 A@     push A into T                             A @
   1A dup    push T into T                             DUP
   1B over   push S into T                             OVER
   1C push   pop T, push into R                        >R
   1D A!     pop T into A                              A !
   1E nop                                              NOP
   1F drop   pop T                                     DROP
      A! @A                                            @
      A! !A                                            !
      dup dup -or com                                  -1
      dup dup -or                                      0
      over com and -or                                 OR
      A! push A@ pop                                   SWAP
      # (com) push ;                                   long_jump

When an opcode appears in slots 1-3, it must be complemented.
An add instruction must be coded  nop +  if carry needs to propagate only
10 places, or  nop nop +  for a full 20 places.  This is not required
in slot 0 if the instruction fetch provides equivalent delay.


   An interrupt can occur when an instruction word is fetched.  The
requested instruction is replaced by a 15-bit call to 00000 in home page.
The current address will be pushed onto R when the call is executed.

At least 3 stack positions must be available (reserved) for interrupts,
2 on data and 1 on return.  Register A must be saved and restored.

The cause of the interrupt is in C2-0.  C must be read to determine it.
The interrupt is cleared when C is rewritten, which may only occur once.
The source of the interrupt is cleared by the corresponding address bit
in the address of C.  It is intended that this code be executed at the
end of interrupt processing (say for C0):

     A  015554 # com ( pattern 1 1110 0000 0000 0000 0--1) A!
     @A !A A! ;

The address bits A2-0 specify the interrupt(s) to be cleared.  @A !A A! ;
must all be in the same word.  Another interrupt may occur immediately.

Interrupts are edge-triggered.  If one is repeated before being cleared,
it's lost.


   4 instructions are obtained with each fetch.  Each instruction
is executed in 3 ns, for a peak rate of 330 Mips.  Sustained rate
depends upon the number of memory-access instructions.  With no
data memory accesses but with instruction memory setup and access:

     RAM              DRAM
      12    15    25    40   140 ns
     270   220   140    90    30 Mips

With 1 instruction accessing data in the same memory:
     120                40       Mips



   Typical: 0-5 DRAMs, 0-3 SRAMs, 1 ROM

      5 1Mx4 Page-mode DRAMs: Toshiba TC514400APL-80
   or 1 1Mx16 and 1 1Mx4    :
   and/or 3 8Kx8 SRAMs      :

      1 8-bit PCMCIA card   :
   or 1 8-bit ROM           :


   A number of options are specified in the Configuration Register (C).
For example, timing is determined by internal delays.  These may be
adjusted to suit.

       bit 20                        0
   pattern: - pp-s -r-- -3tt 5f-- -iii

      pp - ROM page (D19,18)
      tt - timing (dependent upon voltage, temperature, process)
           00  40% slow
           01  20% slow
           10  nominal
           11  20% fast
       3 - Power (timing dependent upon voltage)
           0  5.0 V
           1  3.0 (55% fast)
       r - ROM timing
           0  250 ns
           1  150
       s - RAM timing
           0  25 ns
           1  12
       5 - 512-word page (for 256Kx4 DRAMs)
           A8 is multiplexed differently for a RAS address:
               A9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
           0  A19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
           1  A19  9 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
       f - CAS before RAS refresh on DRAM access
           0  Refresh (For some DRAMs, the first 8 accesses after power-up
                       must be refresh.  RAS address must change on each.)
           1  Normal (To be set during boot)
     iii - Interrupts
           1--  Video
           -1-  Network
           --1  Analog

The following patterns are commonly used:
       Power-up  C0000
     5V 1M DRAM  D0200 12ns SRAM
   5V 256K DRAM  C0280
     3V 1M DRAM  C0600
C may be read, changed and rewritten.


   A memory access has 3 ns overhead in addition to the access time.
On a write to memory, data is latched on the rising edge of WE for RAM,
ROM and IO devices controlled by these signals; but on the falling edge
for DRAM.  RAM and ROM are not clocked, but CAS is.  WE is the signal
to measure to verify timing.

   The next instruction fetch begins as soon as no memory instructions
(# @ ! jump) are pending.

   address        = pattern
   000000 - 0FFFFF          DRAM 20 bit              1 M words (or 256K words)
   180000 - 1BFFFF          slow 8 bit SRAM          1 M bytes as 4 256k pages
   1C0000 - 1FFFFF          fast 8 bit SRAM          1 M bytes as 4 256k pages
   100000 - 101FFF          slow 20 bit SRAM         8 K words
   140000 - 141FFF          fast 20 bit SRAM         8 K words
   16BAAA           1C1000  I/O port register
   168AAA           1C2000  analog clock register
   16EAAA           1C4000  network clock register
   162AAA           1C8000  network match register
   14AAAA           1E0000  configuration register


     CPU        Audio      Video      Serial
     1AAAAA     0xxxxx     0AAAAA     0xxxxx
     page 3     off        off        off

     CPU boot address 1AAAAA in slow 8 bit SRAM is pattern 00000 on the pins

Write to pattern 1C1000:   0-7  data
                         10-17  direction: pattern 00000 input
                                                   3FC00 output
Read from 1C1000:   0-7  pad
                    8-9  0
                  10-17  direction
                  18-19  0

(The production F21 will provide for external interrupt on the I/O port.)


   An 11-bit register is counted-down every CLK (14.32 MHz for NTSC).
It is reset from C at when it reaches 0.  Thus it ticks at some
rate from 14 MHz to 7 KHz.  C is to be loaded with a value for a
11-bit pseudo-random shift register (C0 = C10 -or C8).

   A data word is read, then written to DRAM every tick.  Bits 19-13
are sent to a binary 6-bit D-A converter.  Current output is 0 - 100 mA.
The word is re-written with bits 5-0 from a 6-bit A-D converter. A
64-entry gray code table look-up provides the corresponding binary value.
Conversions take 70 ns or so (depending on amplitude) over a range of
0 - 2.5 V.  Thus signals up to 14 MHz can be handled.  At high rates,
memory bandwidth is a concern.

   Addresses do not increment beyond 10 bits.  That is, 0FFFFF increments
to 0FFC00.  Thus analog output cycles within a DRAM page.

   If bit 10 is set the CPU is interrupted.  At its next instruction
fetch a call to 000000 will be inserted.  The interrupt is automatically

   The CPU sets the rate and 2 control bits in C.  Bit 18 is on/off.
If bit 1 is set, the next address the CPU provides will be incremented
and latched into the address register.

It is intended that this code be executed at the
end of interrupt processing (say for C0):

     A  015554 # com ( pattern 1 1110 0000 0000 0000 0--1) A!
     @A !A A! ;

The address bits A2-0 specify the interrupt(s) to be cleared.  @A !A A! ;
must all be in the same word.  Another interrupt may occur immediately.
with both ! and @ in the same word, to set the address. Bit 1 is
automatically reset, the other bits are undisturbed.  The next analog
word will be the one after the address.

   Address      21    0-20 DRAM only
   Data         12
   Buffer       13    0-5  input
                      6-9  0
                       10  interrupt
                    13-19  output

   Clock        13   pattern 1C2000:    1  address from CPU
                                     6-16  rate
                                       18  on/off (0 at reset)

   The Video Processor generates analog RGB images for a computer monitor
or NTSC/PAL images for the video input of a TV monitor (or VCR).  It displays
15-color pixels at a specified clock rate on a programmable raster,
progressive or interlaced.

   It starts executing at an address provided by the Stack Processor.  At
that location is the programmed image, or possibly just refresh code.
Using analog RGB outputs (sync on green), the image can have any size and
shape.  The pixel clock can run up to 20 MHz, with a corresponding frame
rate.  The image is formatted with vertical retrace lines, and scan lines
with embedded horizontal retrace and blanking.  These lines are contructed
from Pixel, Sync and Jump instructions and probably include Refresh and

   Using NTSC output the image has 525 lines of 115 words (60,334 words).
It starts with a 21-line vertical-retrace for field-1 (VR1), the 241 even
scan lines, a 22-line VR2 and the 241 odd scan lines.  In memory, the VR1
is followed by VR2 and then 482 scan lines.  Jump instructions thread these
lines into the required order.  If multiple images are in memory, they can
share VR1 and VR2.  Skip and Color-burst instructions are added for timing
and synchronization.  Blank is not distinguished from Black.

   A 3-bit read/write register controls the processor:

     bit 19 . . . 15 . . .  .10 . .  . . 5 .  . . . 0
          - R T -  - - - -  - - - -  1 0 0 0  - A - -

   with  R - 0  stop
             1  run
         T - 0  pixel clock is CLK/2
             1  pixel clock is CLK
         A - 0  continue at curent address
             1  start at next Stack Processor address

The pattern in bits 4-7 is required to start the processor in slot 0.
There is no interrupt-enable.  Including the Interrupt instruction in
the image will generate an interrupt when it is executed.

   Four 5-bit instructions are packed in each word.  Instruction bits are
patterns!  Some instructions may occur only in certain slots.

     bit 20  . . . . 15 . . .  .10 . .  . . 5 .  . . . 0
    slot     0 0 0 0  0 1 1 1  1 1 2 2  2 2 2 3  3 3 3 3
    Jump     1 0 a a  a a a a  a a a a  a a a a  a a a a
 address  p  p p a a  a a a a  a a a a  a a a a  a a a a

The Jump has an 18-bit address field.  Address bits 20-18 are set by the
Stack processor when it starts the Video processor (C2 set).  The image
is restricted to that quarter of DRAM.  It may not cross this page
boundary.  Jump addresses must be -ored with 25555.


   The NTSC image consists of 384x482 pixels.  Pixels occupy 96 words of
each line.  Horizontal-retrace (HR) uses 18 words and a Jump one more.  NTSC
images have a 4x3 aspect, so pixels are not square.  The large characters
used by OK are 16x26 and provide 18 lines of 24 square characters.

with: code binary  name       slot cycles (140 ns  at 7.16 Mhz clock)
        P  0 ----  Pixel        -    1       0-F
        B  0 0000  Black/Blank  -    1       0
        S  1 0111  Sync         -    1       17
        R  1 1111  Refresh      2    0       1F
        J  1 1000  Jump         0    0       18
        I          Interrupt    -    1
        K  1 0011  Skip         0   -1       13
        C  1 0101  Color-burst  -    1       15

   HR is coded:
      B B B B  B B B B  B S R S  S S R S  S S R S  S S R S
      S S S S  S S S S  S S S S  S S S S  K S S S  B B B C
      C C C C  C C C C  C C C C  C C C B  B B B B  B B B B
   A scan line is coded:
      HR  96*(P P P P)  J

The Jump skips over the next line (for interlace) or to a VR and takes no
time.  The Skip in slot 0 skips the Sync in slot 1, to provide 455 cycles at
7.16 Mhz per line.

   VR1 is coded:
      E E E V V V E E E H H H H H H H H H H H H J
   VR2 is coded:
      H1 E E E V V V E E E H2 H H H H H H H H H H H H J

with: H    HR  96*(B B B B) - blank line
      H1   HR  39*(B B B B)
      H2   57*(B B B B)
      E    B B B B  B B B B  B S R S  S S R S  S S S S  S S S S
           S S B B  50*(B B B B)
           B B B B  B B B B  B S R S  S S R S  K S S S  S S S S
           S S B B  50*(B B B B)
      V    B B B B  B B B B  B S R S  S S R S  S S S S  48*(S S S S)
           B B B B  B B B B  B B B B  B B B B
           B B B B  B B B B  B S R S  S S R S  K S S S  48*(S S S S)
           B B B B  B B B B  B B B B  B B B B

   Jump can be used within the pixel field to provide windowing.  It takes
a word of space, but no time.  To assure timing, a Jump must not jump to
another Jump or Refresh.

   The color modulation signal is generated from the 14MHz input as a
square wave.  It needs low-pass filtering, which can be done by a 100pF
load capacitor:
   A 1V peak-peak signal across 75 Ohms requires 14 mA.
   14 mA across 5 V says the transistor resistance is 300 Ohms.
   3.58 MHz has a period of 280 ns, or a rise time of 70 ns.
   Rise time of 2.2RC implies a 100pF capacitor.


   ISBN 0-07-004779-0.


    clocked by the external CLK input
    bit rates 9600 through 100Mbps
    one input and one output
    DMA transfers
    remote CPU interrupts
                    F21 Specification, 1994 September

64 PADS    A10  P7  P6  P5 Vdd Vss  P4  P3  P2  P1
            21  20  19  18  17  16  15  14  13  12
      A11 22                                      11 P0
      A12 23                                      10 RAM
       Ao 24                                       9 8RAM
       Ai 25                                       8 CAS
        B 26                                       7 RAS
        R 27                                       6 WE 
        G 28                                       5 A9
       Vo 29                                       4  8
       Vi 30                                       3  7
      CLK 31                 DIE                   2  6
          32               LAYOUT                  1  5
      Vdd 33                                      64  4
      Vss 34                                      63  3
       So 35                                      62  2
       Si 36                                      61  1
          37                                      60 A0
      D19 38                                      59 D0
       18 39                                      58  1
       17 40                                      57  2
       16 41                                      56  3
       15 42                                      55  4
       14 43                                      54  5
            44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53
            13  12  11  10  Vdd Vss  9   8   7   6   
   64-Pin DIP:  pins 1-64 same as pads 1-64 OPTIONAL
   68-Pin PLCC:   x 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9
               25                                                   x
               26                                                   8
               27                                                   7
               28                                                   6
               29                                                   5
               30                                                   4
               31                                                   3
               32                                                   2
               33                      PLCC                         1
               34                                                  64
               35                                                  63
               36                                                  62
               37                                                  61
               38                                                  60
               39                                                  59
               40                                                  58
                x                                                  57
                 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 x

   Ai  A12 A10 P6  Vdd P4  P3  P1  P0 SRAM    25 23 21 19 17 15 14 12 11  9
   R   Ao  A11 P7  P5  Vss P2 FRAM CAS RAS    27 24 22 20 18 16 13 10  8  7
   G   B                        x  WE  A9     28 26                 x  6  5
   Vi  Vo                          A8  A7     30 29                    4  3
   CLK             top             A6  A5     31 32        PGA         2  1
   Vdd Vss         view            A4  A3     33 34                   64 63
   So  Si                          A1  A2     35 36                   61 62
       D19                         D1  A0     37 38                   58 60
   D18 D17 D15 D12 Vdd D9  D7  D5  D3  D0     39 40 42 45 48 50 52 54 56 59
   D16 D14 D13 D11 D10 Vss D8  D6  D4  D2     41 43 44 46 47 49 51 53 55 57

Jeff Fox
Ultra  Technology
2512 10th St.
Berkeley CA, 94710
(510) 848-2149