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IMAP server for the list

Dear MISCers,

I am experimenting with the CYRUS IMAP server. 

If you have an IMAP client (such as pine, ML, XLview, palm, maildrop,
mailstorm) you can access the the MISC archive on the host
pisa.rockefeller.edu as the folder list.MISC . 

Pine users may g)o to {pisa.rockefeller.edu/anonymous}list.MISC and/or
include this folder description in their incomig folders collection. 

At the moment this is a frozen image as of today, but I'm working on
posting each message as it is submitted. Stay tuned. 

I take the time to remind you, that a first shot at a WWW based archive is
at http://pisa.rockefeller.edu:8080/MISC


Penio Penev <Penev@venezia.Rockefeller.edu> 1-212-327-7423