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Re: Re[2]: F21 docs, + an administrative question

> I don't know, how much is the dev kit?

There are a variety of choices, the ~$2k level is working well for
me, and happily the customer is paying for it!

> 1 MBit? Not so very much, SHARCs have up to 8 MBit.

No it's not much, but I am not doing fluid-dynamics simulations...
just servo-systems and a graphic LCD.  Hey, you know I love the
SHARC, I just don't have any use for it, at the moment!

> Links? How many?

Zero.  If you want links, you gotta go for the 'C4 (or 'C8, or 'C6).
I am in fact planning to link it, but it will be via a proprietary
serial comm channel.

cheers   - vic