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Re: Chucks address

Hi group of wacko's!

At 20:15 20000612 -0700, Cyan Cernwnos wrote:
>Now I think I am starting to understand. Seems an in-
>verter is still the most 'logical' minimal gate, or
>input to anything else, such as a counter. I thot
>that rule went out with TTL but it may still be true
>in complementary MOS. Anyhow that would explain why
>Chuck wants every other counter stage to invert.

Computer architecture shouldn't depend on what
is doable in hardware at the moment. The folly of the
day. Technologies will progress and lame choices made
in the past because of hardware technological reasons
will hinder the future software developments.
Computer architecture should always be a compromise
between hard and software. And therefore a compromise
between hardware men and software men.

And also a compromise with marketing men and
finance men etc.

Let's give up the MISC dream! It's over, get real!


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