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Re: [colorforth] Low res or low color ColorForth

I'd like to report my latest progress. Not in the direction some of you are

I finally retrieved my colorForth MASM source code, lost in a laptop crash a
year ago. (Yep, my colorForth was stable for a year.)

I recompiled with 3 significant changes:

* Increased Forth dictionary size from 1024 to 2048. The AAD24 chip compiled
by OKAD defines more than 1024 words. I was amazed, though Jeff Fox tells me
that's not large for Forth systems.

* Eliminated the definition of a variable as MACRO as well as FORTH. In
practice, I always reference variables in yellow. The macro definition was
in case I forgot. Or more plausibly, redefined a variable as a definition
which could not be executed at compile time. But that's not been a problem.

* Changed the video mode to 24-bit color (VESA 4118h). It's still 1024x768,
but I'm shopping for a new 19" CRT that will display 1280x1024 or better. I
was going to get an LCD, but reported anomalies deterred me. I've plenty of
desk space, and CRTs are cheap. The 15" ViewSonic I'm using can be replaced
for $100. And its quality is excellent.

Remaining to be done:

* Move image from RAM to video card using AGP. Synchronize transfer with
vertical retrace.

* Take video out of the kernel, so customization is easier.

* Code kernel in colorForth.

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